Oct 25th-27th


Code of Conduct

The ASDF Team put together a great Code of Conduct, so we decided, with their kind permission, to use the same terms for our own Festival 🙂

We at Swing man Tau e.V. respect and celebrate that swing dance is a black art form originating in Harlem, New York. We practice being respectful guests in a culture that doesn’t belong to us. We aim to create a space for collective learning of the spirit and culture of the dance.

We strive to create a safe, supportive and inclusive environment regardless of age, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physique or physical appearance.

We expect all of you as participants to read this document carefully and agree with its content.

We will take violations seriously and violations will have consequences.

The organization may take any action deemed fit to enforce safety; including warning, sanctioning or expulsion from the event with no refund.


Please be mindful of the listed behaviours:


  • Treat people with respect. There will be no tolerance of harassment or discriminatory behaviours, including but not limited to: offensive verbal comments related to gender, identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body shape, ethnicity, religion; deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact and unwelcome sexual attention.


  • Consent culture: Connect with partners in a way that feels comfortable to both of you. We encourage you to communicate if you are feeling uncomfortable both on and off the dance floor. Be gracious when refusing a dance or if refused. Respect people’s boundaries.


  • Be responsible for your own physical space, and respect others‘. Practice space floor-craft, apologize if hurting someone on or off the dance floor, do not perform aerials outside of jams. Drink responsibly, and if reaching a point where posing a threat to self or others – retire to the bar or sitting area.


  • Respect people’s pronouns and gender expression.


  •  Be mindful of sharing the floor with dancers of diverse backgrounds, abilities and styles. We want to create a safe environment that encourages conversation and self-expression. Therefore, do not provide unsolicited feedback or instruction, unless it concerns safety or consent.

Safe Space

We at Swing Man Tau! are committed to take your experience seriously and to take action when needed.

We encourage anyone who has experienced or witnessed inappropriate behaviour please contact our Safe Space Team in person or via email at: info@swingmantau.de with the subject „Safe Space“.

We are aware it’s not easy to speak up. We will support you and treat your concerns with utmost seriousness and strictest confidentiality. We will provide assistance and/or escort if needed.

Was sind deine Vorteile als Mitglied des Vereins?

– du kannst die Swing Szene mitgestalten!

– du kannst an allen Kursen teilnehmen für max. 180€/Jahr.

– du kriegst Ermäßigungen auf die Workshops und Festivals, die wir organisieren.

– du bist versichert, falls dir ein Sportunfall beim Training passiert.

– du hast Zugang zu einer Swing und Jazz Bibliothek